My approach: My primary focus in therapy is on supporting the development of a greater capacity for awareness and integration in my clients, as this leads naturally to an increased, embodied sense of well-regulated well-being and supports healthy connections with others. In session, I blend relational, interpretive, and somatic methodologies.
Adults: Many of my adult clients come into therapy to address pain or suffering related to their ability to connect with themselves or others in a meaningful, sustained, and satisfying way. Often, as we work together, they discover that their difficulties began as a solution they developed to cope with their early environment. Frequently, these solutions – which are really just compromises that were necessary at the time – no longer serve their adult selves. Many of these individuals initially struggle to experience and to express a full and balanced range of emotion. Therapy provides a space to work with both past and present moment experience in an integrated way, which leads to a deeper and more connected experience of the self and others. This dual focus on past and present experience can be particularly useful for those who find complex trauma, or what it has left behind, poses a barrier to developing and sustaining healthy connections.
Therapy with Adolescents: Adolescence is a powerful time. Developmentally, teenagers are coming into their own. These are the years when they begin to consciously create their adult selves. It is a time to explore new identities and to take on new roles and responsibilities as they prepare to join society as adults. These transitions can be painful – as someone once said “I have to bump into the world so I know who I am.” For parents, it can be difficult to trust that they and their children will navigate this passage unscathed. For adolescents, the strong pull of peer culture, coupled with social media, can make it difficult to access a space to reflect on their experiences, weigh options, and make thoughtful decisions about who they are, what they believe, and where they are headed. Talk therapy can be one such place.
Therapy with Children (and some parents): It is through play that children learn about themselves and their world, and so it is through play that they heal. Play, much like dreaming, affords access to developmental and integrative processes not otherwise available. It literally lights up the brain with the possibility for change. Play therapy is similar to play, in that it supports children in accessing their own intrinsic capacity to grow and develop, and different, in that the therapist’s role is to explicitly support the child in resolving present difficulties or past traumas. Because of its ability to utilize normal developmental processes in the service of healing, it is through play therapy that we can best help children develop increased regulatory capacities and a positive sense of self.
Consultation: I offer consultation for social workers and allied health professionals and community office hours to educators and recent graduates.
Adults: Many of my adult clients come into therapy to address pain or suffering related to their ability to connect with themselves or others in a meaningful, sustained, and satisfying way. Often, as we work together, they discover that their difficulties began as a solution they developed to cope with their early environment. Frequently, these solutions – which are really just compromises that were necessary at the time – no longer serve their adult selves. Many of these individuals initially struggle to experience and to express a full and balanced range of emotion. Therapy provides a space to work with both past and present moment experience in an integrated way, which leads to a deeper and more connected experience of the self and others. This dual focus on past and present experience can be particularly useful for those who find complex trauma, or what it has left behind, poses a barrier to developing and sustaining healthy connections.
Therapy with Adolescents: Adolescence is a powerful time. Developmentally, teenagers are coming into their own. These are the years when they begin to consciously create their adult selves. It is a time to explore new identities and to take on new roles and responsibilities as they prepare to join society as adults. These transitions can be painful – as someone once said “I have to bump into the world so I know who I am.” For parents, it can be difficult to trust that they and their children will navigate this passage unscathed. For adolescents, the strong pull of peer culture, coupled with social media, can make it difficult to access a space to reflect on their experiences, weigh options, and make thoughtful decisions about who they are, what they believe, and where they are headed. Talk therapy can be one such place.
Therapy with Children (and some parents): It is through play that children learn about themselves and their world, and so it is through play that they heal. Play, much like dreaming, affords access to developmental and integrative processes not otherwise available. It literally lights up the brain with the possibility for change. Play therapy is similar to play, in that it supports children in accessing their own intrinsic capacity to grow and develop, and different, in that the therapist’s role is to explicitly support the child in resolving present difficulties or past traumas. Because of its ability to utilize normal developmental processes in the service of healing, it is through play therapy that we can best help children develop increased regulatory capacities and a positive sense of self.
Consultation: I offer consultation for social workers and allied health professionals and community office hours to educators and recent graduates.